Other words for "thrill"

Other words for "thrill"

The Science Behind Crossword Puzzles and Their Effects on the Brain
Crossword puzzles have been a prevalent form of entertainment for over a century. But do you know that solving crossword puzzles offers several benefits to your brain? Lately, there has been a growing interest in the science behind crossword puzzles and their impacts on cognitive abilities. In this post, you will find the possible solutions for the crossword clue "thrill" and discover more about the effect of crossword puzzles on your brain and how they can enhance cognitive functions.

What Are the Likely Solutions for "Thrill" Crossword Clue?

There are numerous possible solutions for this crossword clue, as it could denote various things. The specific answer will rely on the letters that have already been filled in, the number of letters in the crossword puzzle, and any available intersecting letters. Here are some probable solutions for the crossword clue "thrill," along with a brief explanation.

Three Letter Answers


A feeling of great pleasure or happiness. Example: The bride felt an irresistible sense of joy as she walked down the aisle on her wedding day.

Four Letter Answers


A feeling of energy or excitement. For example, "The party had a great buzz as the guests socialized and danced to the electric music."


An intense and sudden energy or enthusiasm. For instance, "The rush of the wind as he surfed was a roller-coaster."

Five Letter Answers


It often describes a feeling of high spirits or joy that results from a sense of success or achievement. For example, "Music can elate your mood."

Six Letter Answers


It denotes causing feelings of eagerness or enthusiasm. For instance, "The new roller coaster at Disney World will excite thrill-seekers."


It denotes a state of wild activity or excitement. For example, "The fans were in a frenzy as they rushed to the stadium to watch their team play their rivals."


A slight sensation of tickling or prickling, usually caused by exhilaration. For example, "June felt a tingle of anticipation as she waited for her blind date to show up."

Seven Letter Answers


A feeling of phenomenal happiness or joy. For instance, "John felt a sense of elation after receiving an email about promotion at work."


A feeling of great pleasure or happiness. For example, "The dance floor lights and music created a sense of ecstasy."


A solid feeling of happiness or pleasure. For instance, "the girl's face was full of delight as she opened her valentines gifts."


A state of strong happiness or pleasure. For example, "The beautiful sunset created a sense of rapture to Jack as he watched it."


A pleasing fright sensation. Example: "A frisson of astonishment shot through her."

Ten Letter Answers


Adelenaline is a hormone released in response to stress, leading to increased heart rate and other physical responses. For example, "Bungee jumpers often experience an adrenaline rush in their first jump."


A state of high enthusiasm and energy. For instance, "The excitement was intense as the fans waited for the musicians to go on stage."

Eleven Letter Answers


A feeling of interest or excitement, usually of slightly erotic circumstances. For instance, "The movie's love scenes offered a titillating feeling."


The act of increasing or causing excitement or activity. For instance, "The caffeine in energy drinks offers a stimulation that helps the driver stay awake during long drives."

Twelve Letter Answers


This word represents a feeling of happiness or excitement. For example, "The thrill of skydiving filled George with exhilaration."

In summary, all the words described above have slightly different meanings based on the content in which they are used. Still, all of them describe a feeling of happiness or excitement often caused by something daring or adventurous. Every word has a slightly different connotation and may be used in different situations. "Thrill" may also be used as a verb to cause an individual to experience a happy feeling.

Remember that you can experience the thrill in various contexts, such as in suspenseful situations, during extreme sports, and when attaining a major accomplishment. Thrill feeling is usually accompanied by a sense of satisfaction and adrenaline and might be highly addictive for some individuals. Overall, "thrill" is a positive feeling most people look out for.

The Benefits of Crossword Puzzles on Cognitive Abilities

It is proven that engaging in cognitive activities like solving crossword puzzles can improve cognitive abilities in multiple ways. Researchers say that crossword puzzles help improve language skills and vocabulary, increase memory function, enhance problem-solving skills, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

The Science Behind the Benefits of Crossword Puzzles

So, how does solving crossword puzzles impact the brain? The answer comes down to the science behind the benefits of cognitive activities. Experts believe that participating in cognitive activities, such as solving crossword puzzles, helps stimulate your brain in a manner that leads to the creation of new neural connections. The new connections help delay the start of cognitive reduction and enhance cognitive functions.

Additionally, solving crossword puzzles necessitates the simultaneous use of various cognitive functions, such as attention, language, memory, and problem-solving. Engaging in these activities often can help enhance the overall efficiency of the brain, resulting in improvements in cognitive abilities.

Studies show that solving crossword puzzles positively impacts your brain's reward system. Your brain will release dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked with feelings of reward and pleasure, every time you solve a puzzle. This dopamine release can enhance your motivation and general enjoyment of the activity, resulting in a more positive experience.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Crossword Puzzles

If you need to get the best out of most crossword puzzles, you need to: challenge yourself, practice regularly, mix up the puzzle types, and combine them with other cognitive activities like playing brain games and learning a new language.

The Final Say

In summary, solving crossword puzzles is a thrilling activity that offers several perks for cognitive function, as seen above. Therefore, next time you choose a crossword puzzle, know that you are doing your brain a favor in addition to enjoying yourself.