IS DAZED with 5 letters
IS DECEITFUL with 4 letters
IS DECEPTIVE with 4 letters
IS DECISIVE with 4 letters
IS DECKED OUT IN with 5 letters
IS DEEMED (TO BE) with 7 letters
IS DEFEATED with 5 letters
IS DEFICIENT with 5 letters
IS DEFICIENT IN with 5 letters
IS DEFINED AS with 5 letters
IS DEPENDENT (ON) with 5 letters
IS DEPRIVED OF with 5 letters
IS DERISIVE with 6 letters
IS DESERVING OF with 5 - 6 letters
IS DILETTANTISH with 7 letters
IS DIMINISHED with 5 letters
IS DISCONTINUED with 4 letters
IS DISCOURTEOUS TO with 6 letters
IS DISPOSED with 5 letters
IS DISPOSED (TO) with 5 letters
IS DORMANT with 6 letters
IS DOUBLED? with 3 letters
IS DOWN with 4 letters
IS DOWN WITH with 3 letters
IS DRAINED OF COLOR with 5 letters
IS DREAMY with 5 letters
IS DRESSED IN with 5 letters
IS DURABLE with 5 letters
IS EFFECTIVE with 5 letters
IS EMPHATIC with 7 letters
IS EMPLOYED with 5 - 7 letters
IS ENOUGH FOR with 5 letters
IS ENTICING with 6 letters
IS ENTITLED TO with 5 - 8 letters
IS EQUIVALENT (TO) with 7 letters
IS EXCESSIVELY FOND with 5 letters
IS EXPECTED (TO) with 5 letters
IS FAITHFUL with 7 letters
IS FAITHFUL (TO) with 7 letters
IS FAMILIAR WITH with 5 letters
IS FEARFUL OF with 6 letters
IS FEARLESS with 5 letters
IS FLEXIBLE with 5 letters
IS FOND OF with 5 letters
IS FOOLISHLY FOND OF (WITH 'ON') with 5 letters
IS FOR A FEW with 3 letters
IS FOR A GROUP? with 3 letters
IS FOR EVERYBODY? with 3 letters
IS FOR EVERYONE? with 3 letters
IS FOR MANY? with 3 letters
IS FOR MORE THAN ONE? with 3 letters
IS FOR MORE? with 3 letters
IS FOR THEM? with 3 letters
IS FOR TWO with 3 - 4 letters
IS FOR YOU? with 3 letters
IS FORBIDDEN TO with 5 - 7 letters
IS FORCED TO with 4 letters
IS FRESH WITH with 6 letters
IS FRIENDS WITH with 5 letters
IS FRUGAL with 6 - 7 letters
IS FURIOUS with 5 - 7 letters
IS FURTIVE with 6 letters
IS GAGA ABOUT with 6 letters
IS GAGA OVER with 6 letters
IS GENEROUS with 7 letters
IS GERMANE with 7 letters
IS GIDDY with 5 letters
IS GLOOMY with 5 letters
IS GLUTTONOUS with 6 letters
IS GONNA with 4 letters
IS GOOD ENOUGH with 4 letters
IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR with 5 letters
IS GREEK? with 5 letters
IS GREEN WITHOUT ENVY? with 4 letters
IS GREEN? with 6 letters
IS GRIEF-STRICKEN with 4 letters
IS HAPPY WITH with 5 letters
IS HAPPY-FOOTED with 5 letters
IS HEEDFUL with 5 letters
IS HELPLESS? with 5 letters
IS HOLDING with 3 letters
IS HONEST (WITH) with 6 letters
IS HOPPING MAD with 5 letters
IS HURTING with 4 letters
IS IDENTICAL TO with 6 letters
IS IDLE with 4 letters
IS ILL with 4 letters
IS ILL WITH with 3 letters
IS IMMINENT with 5 letters
IS IMPENDING with 5 letters
IS IMPORTANT with 5 - 7 letters
IS IMPUDENT TO with 6 letters
IS IN A HOLE with 4 letters
IS IN A PET with 5 letters
IS IN A PEW with 4 letters
IS IN A SLUMP? with 8 letters
IS IN ACCORD with 5 - 6 letters
IS IN AGREEMENT with 5 letters
IS IN ARREARS with 4 letters
IS IN CHARGE with 8 - 15 letters
IS IN CHARGE OF with 4 - 5 letters
IS IN CONTACT WITH with 7 letters
IS IN CONTROL with 8 letters
IS IN CONTROL OF with 3 letters
IS IN DEBT with 4 letters
IS IN DEBT TO with 4 letters
IS IN DEMAND with 5 letters
IS IN DISTRESS with 4 letters
IS IN DREAMLAND with 6 letters
IS IN FIRST PLACE with 5 letters
IS IN HARMONY with 5 letters
IS IN LABOR? with 5 letters
IS IN NEED OF with 5 letters
IS IN PAIN with 5 letters
IS IN POSSESSION OF with 3 letters
IS IN SESSION with 4 letters
IS IN SPAIN? with 4 letters
IS IN STORE with 6 letters
IS IN STORE FOR with 6 letters
IS IN SYNC with 6 letters
IS IN THE CHAIR with 8 letters
IS IN THE HOLE with 4 letters
IS IN THE OFFING with 5 letters
IS IN THE PAST? with 3 letters
IS IN THE PLURAL? with 3 letters
IS IN THE RED with 4 letters
IS IN THE RUNNING with 4 letters
IS IN THE WRONG with 4 letters
IS INACCURATE with 4 letters
IS INACTIVE with 4 letters
IS INCAPABLE OF with 4 - 6 letters
IS INCLINED with 5 - 6 letters
IS INCLINED (TO) with 5 letters
IS INCONSISTENT with 6 letters
IS INCORRECT with 4 letters
IS INDEBTED with 4 letters
IS INDEBTED TO with 4 letters
IS INDECISIVE with 4 - 8 letters
IS INDIGNANT ABOUT with 7 letters
IS INDISCREET with 5 letters
IS INDISPOSED with 4 letters
IS INFLICTED WITH with 3 letters
IS INQUISITIVE with 4 - 5 letters
IS INTERESTED with 5 letters
IS INTO with 4 letters
IS INTRODUCED TO with 5 letters
IS IRATE with 5 letters
IS IT ___ WONDER? with 3 letters
IS IT SOUP ___? with 3 letters
IS ITINERANT with 5 letters
IS JEALOUS OF with 6 letters
IS JUBILANT with 6 letters
IS JUST AWFUL with 5 letters
IS JUST RIGHT with 4 letters
IS LACHRYMOSE with 5 letters
IS LACKING with 5 letters
IS LAID UP with 4 letters
IS LAID UP WITH with 3 letters
IS LEFT with 7 letters
IS LEFT WITH with 4 letters
IS LIGHT with 4 letters
IS LIKELY (TO) with 5 letters
IS LITERATE with 5 letters
IS LITIGIOUS with 3 - 4 letters
IS LIVING with 6 letters
IS MAD ABOUT with 5 letters
IS MAD FOR with 6 letters
IS MADE UP (OF) with 8 letters
IS MEANINGFUL with 6 letters
IS MELODRAMATIC with 6 letters
IS MINDFUL OF with 5 letters
IS MISERLY with 6 letters
IS MISTAKEN with 4 letters
IS MOODILY SILENT with 5 letters
IS MOROSE with 5 letters
IS MULTIPLIED? with 3 letters
IS MUSHY with 5 letters
IS NECESSARY FOR with 8 letters
IS NEXT TO with 5 letters
IS NO LONGER with 3 letters
IS NO MORE with 3 letters
IS NOSTALGIC FOR with 6 letters
IS NOSY with 4 - 10 letters
IS NOT CONDENSED with 4 letters
IS NOT REDUCED? with 4 letters
IS NOT WELL with 4 letters
IS NOTHING ___? with 6 letters
IS NOTICEABLE with 5 letters
IS OBLIGATED with 4 letters
IS OBLIGATED TO with 4 letters
IS OBLIGED with 3 - 4 letters
IS OBLIGED TO with 4 - 6 letters
IS OBLIGED TO PAY with 4 letters
IS OBSTINATE with 4 letters
IS OBTRUSIVE with 7 letters
IS OF BENEFIT with 6 letters
IS OF BENEFIT TO with 5 letters
IS OF CONSEQUENCE with 5 letters
IS OF IMPORTANCE with 7 letters
IS OF SERVICE with 4 letters
IS OF SERVICE TO with 4 letters
IS OF THE OPINION with 5 letters
IS OF USE with 6 letters
IS OF USE TO with 6 letters
IS OF VALUE TO with 6 letters
IS OFF with 4 letters
IS OFF BASE with 4 letters
IS OFFENDED BY with 5 - 7 letters
IS OMINOUS with 5 letters
IS ON AN INCLINE with 5 letters
IS ON FIRST with 5 letters
IS ON THE A-TEAM with 6 letters
IS ON THE BOTTOM? with 4 letters
IS ON THE BRINK with 6 - 7 letters
IS ON THE GO with 4 letters
IS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR with 5 letters
IS ON THE RUN with 4 letters
IS ON THE UP AND UP? with 7 letters
IS ON THE VERGE OF with 5 letters
IS OPTIMISTIC with 5 letters
IS OR WAS with 4 letters
IS OUT with 6 letters
IS OUT THERE with 6 letters
IS OUT, IN A WAY with 6 letters
IS OVERBURDENED with 6 letters
IS OVERCOME WITH FEAR with 6 letters
IS OVERFLOWING with 5 letters
IS OVERFOND with 5 letters
IS OVERFOND OF, WITH 'ON' with 5 letters
IS OVERLY ATTENTIVE with 6 letters
IS OVERLY FOND with 5 letters
IS OVERLY FOND OF, WITH 'ON' with 5 letters
IS OVERPROUD with 6 letters
IS OVERRUN with 5 letters
IS OVERWHELMED with 6 letters
IS OWNER OF with 3 letters
IS PAINFUL with 5 - 6 letters
IS PARTIAL TO with 6 - 7 letters
IS PAST? with 3 letters
IS PATIENT with 5 letters
IS PATIENT FOR with 6 letters
IS PENITENT with 4 letters
IS PERIPATETIC with 5 letters
IS PIOUS with 5 letters
IS PLEASING with 5 letters
IS PLENTIFUL with 7 letters
IS PLURAL? with 3 letters